The path, known as the way or 'do' in Japanese. There are many paths: some
lead to righteousness |
It is said karate is kata & kata is karate. Kata provides a living encyclopedia of basics, self-defense
applications (
bunkai), muscle memory, timing, visual and physical focus.
kata must be treated seriously always keeping in mind timing and focus when you train.
If you have no
snap in your blocks,
kicks & punches, then this how you learn
karate – and the next time
you are attacked in the Cowboy Bar, you will defend without power and with lack-luster effort. Whenever I train in kata, I focus every technique and practice kata slowly and periodically with great acceleration. Whenever I finish a single
kata, I am sweating and breathing hard - this is how
kata should be done.
Next time you
practice - imagine having to defend yourself with the power and focus you
currently use to practice kata: this is how you are teaching yourself to
defend on the street. I can’t emphasize this enough. If you are punching with
no power or snap, you are training to do the same for future self-defense scenarios.
This does not mean that you have to do every single
kata full speed and power –
but it does mean that you need to consider practicing each kata at least three
times in each session: twice relatively slow with extraordinary
snap in your punches and blocks (in other words – focus) and the third time
with acceleration of technique (but also keeping your stances and timing in
Several years ago, I traveled across the continent
to attend an international black belt clinic hosted in Florida. I was told
at the clinic, I would test for godan (5th dan) in front of the grandmaster (who was and still is my instructor). At the time, I only knew of a couple of legitimate living grandmasters - extraordinary martial artists. So I was concerned about testing in front of
the Grandmaster – but decided I would do my best and if it wasn’t enough, at
least I tried. When I was called to test, I was surprised I was not only
testing in front of the grandmaster, but also testing in front of about 250 yudansha (black belts) ranging from 1st to 9th dan. It was make or break.
.JPG) |
Training in Naihanchi kata at the Arizona Hombu, Winter 2014 |
Much of the exam was kata, and I did every
kata I
knew – all with extreme focus and maximum power. During the exam in a large
gym, there were other activities going on, but all stopped to watch my test from
beginning to end. At the end of the test, I must have been 3 or 5 pounds lighter
from sweating, but I was also promoted to
and told by some
yudansha that it was
the most extraordinary exam they had witnessed. Two individuals even told me it
was as if the building shook from the power (
ki) of my punches. I was
successful, because I had been practicing all
kata at least twice a week (with
focus) along with teaching several classes.
As you learn more about
kata, you
will discover hidden meanings & techniques. And in some cases, you will discover
new techniques that no one ever thought of. As an example, one of Arizona
yudansha – Dan Lang was testing for shodan and part of his exam was
demonstration of
Wanshu (
kata. In the
kata, he discovered one of the
techniques can be used as
(body leg drop). Now it seems so obvious, but why had no one ever seen this
before? This is typical of
Kata include training exercises for dachi
(stances), uke (blocks), geri (kicks), uchi (strikes), ma
(distance & timing), omote
(techniques that are understandable), ura
(hidden techniques), miegakure
(techniques purposely hidden from outsiders or just plain misleading),
ki (internal energy), ibuki (breathing), shitai kori
hardening), tien hsueh (pressure point strikes), nage waza (throws), hitotsuki
(one-punch knockouts), okurasu goroshi (killing strikes) and other
techniques. Kata is the
heart & soul of karate. Without
kata, karate
cannot be considered karate-do.
Even so, there are kyoru systems, (ancient
Okinawan fighting schools), that do not have kata and are referred to as karate-jutsu rather than
karate-do. Even so, these old schools have considerable focus on
traditions and respect for rank.
Kata should be
practiced keeping bunkai (applications) in mind while applying
sufficient focus with every technique. Recently, I was reading a book entitled ‘Moonwalking with Einstein’. The author
mentions tools used to memorize seemingly impossible numbers of words or ideas simply
by installing interesting images at different points along a walk, and then
just remembering the walk. The method is so efficient; legend suggests that one King of Cyprus could recite the names of every soldier in his army. Today, some people
(mental athletics) employ this same method to remember the order of two or more
shuffled decks of cards, whole books - things that most of us think are beyond
us. And none of these people have photographic memories.
This made me think
about kata. Kata can be liken to a walk – a walk that must be learned in
detail. After this walk is learned, we apply self-defense applications along
every turn of the walk. By doing so, every single feature of a kata, no matter
how subtle, can be used to trigger self-defense applications that can be
embedded into one’s long term memory. Personally, I use this method in
teaching martial arts. Not only do I extract basics (kihon) from kata to use to
warm up classes, I try to find different combinations of basics to keep
students from getting bored. When I teach self-defense, I often go back to kata
to extract techniques for teaching self-defense (bunkai). I do the same for kobudo, ibuki, shitai kori,
"If there is no kata, there is no karate,
just kicking & punching" - Shoshin Nagamine
KATA of Seiyo Shorin-Ryu
Kihon (Basic) Kata. Kihon kata of Seiyo Shorin-Ryu include two that are
unique to Seiyo Shorin-Ryu and designed
to teach hip rotation while striking (tsuki)
and basic kicks (geri). The basic
kata are termed Taikyoku (太極) and translate as ‘first cause’: the
original taikyoku forms were apparently
created by Gichin Funakoshi of Okinawa and we still teach two of his kata.
Yan Ma of the University of Wyoming Campus Shorin-
Ryu Karate Club performs Pinan Godan kata. |
These are not only used to teach basics but
also to instill self-confidence. When teaching martial arts, it is very
important that a sensei focus on both
self-confidence and technique. There must be a balance between these two. If a sensei focuses too much on technique
while constantly hovering over students, self-confidence will suffer, and the deshi will not be able to complete any
technique without looking to the sensei
for guidance. It is important as sensei to teach technique and leave our deshi alone to discover for themselves.
And in doing so, we must demand all students learn to respect rank and respond
with ‘Oss’ when corrected. This is part of learning self-confidence. In
Okinawan karate, students of all ranks must bow lower than seniors and
respect their seniors in every way.
In teaching kata, some styles use as many as six Taikyoku kata. We have four in Seiyo Shorin-Ryu.
- Taikyoku
Shodan - Developed by Gichin Funakoshi to emphasize proper blocking,
punching, stances, balance and respect.
- Taikyoku
Nidan - Developed by Gichin Funakoshi.
- Taikyoku Sandan - Developed by Soke Hausel to emphasize gyaku tsuki
(opposite hand punches), hip rotation & focus.
- Taikyoku
Yondan - Developed by Soke Hausel to teach basic kicks.
Similar basic kata
are found in other styles of karate and are
named juni no kata, fukugata, etc.
Soke Hausel teaches Pinan Nidan kata at the Arizona Hombu in Mesa. |
Pinan Kata. Pinan (平安) (Ping-an) translates as 'peaceful mind'.
According to 'Martial Arts - A
Layman's Guide' and 'The
Overlook Martial Arts Dictionary' Pinan kata were developed by Yasutsune (Anko)
Itosu between 1903 to 1906 when karate was introduced to public school system on Okinawa Prefecture. These five kata were simplified from two longer kata
known as Kusanku and Chiang Nan
(also Channan). According to legend, the
original Chinese kata (Chiang Nan) has been lost, but was originally
introduced on Okinawa by a Chinese martial artist.
Shihan Vance of Cheyenne, Seiyo Shorin-Ryu
practices bunkai from Pinan Nidan with Sensei
Schroeder of the Utah Shorin-Kai |
After dissecting the original two long forms, Itosu named his new five kata as Pinan
(Mark Bishop, 1989, OkinawanKarate, A & C Black, publisher, London). Funakoshi, however;
termed these Heian (‘peaceful and calm’) when he introduced karate to mainland
Japan. Karate was also introduced to Korea. One style known as Tang Soo Do (the style of Chuck Norris) teaches these kata but they are termed Pyong-an on Korea. These are also taught to traditional Taekwondo practitioners.
preserved these basic five kata with modifications unique to Seiyo Shorin-Ryu. Each Pinan kata in
Seiyo Shorin-Ryu is accompanied by realistic bunkai (applications): a set of self-defense techniques for each step
in kata. The applications include
defenses against unarmed & armed assailants and incorporate strikes, kicks,
pressure point activations, throws & restraints. Notable are simultaneous
block-strike combinations (common in Juko-Ryu)
as well as powerful strikes followed by throws (nage waza).
Sketch of Chuck Norris of Tang
soo do by Soke Hausel. |
- Pinan Shodan
- Pinan Nidan
- Pinan Sandan
- Pinan Yodan
- Pinan Godan
Kata. Naifanchi (ナイファンチ) (Okinawan
dialect) is pronounced Naihanchi in Japanese and renamed Tekki
(鉄騎) by Gichin
Funakoshi when he introduced these on mainland Japan. These are three kata referred to as 'horse-riding' forms that are performed
in a linear pattern focusing on kiba
dachi (horse riding stance). The kata is
designed to teach hand and leg strength.
Arizona grandmaster Soke Hausel demonstrates application
from Naifanchi Shodan Kata at clinic at the
University of Wyoming assisted by Sensei Kyle Linton
from Colorado. |
colorful figure in Okinawan history,
Motobu Choki was
known as a brawler and spent much time in the
tsuji of Okinawa (red light district) testing
karate. He indicated these
kata were all anyone needed to become
a proficient fighter.
In Seiyo
Shorin-Ryu we break down each individual technique into ippon kumite (one step sparring). Each bunkai is followed with and additional strike or throw that is not choreographed.
- Naifanchi
- Naifanchi
- Naifanchi Sandan
Passai Kata. Passai (披塞) kata, known as
Bassai in
Japanese, include two
kata that translate
‘Penetrating a Fortress’ although
other translations have suggested it could refer to
‘Leopard-Lion Form’. These are also practiced in some Korean styles
karate (
Tang Soo Do and
Soo Bahk Do). The origin of these is
unknown, but they have similarities to Chinese Leopard, Lion and
Wuxing QuanKung Fu. The suffix
‘dai’ translates
as large and
‘sho’ translates as
Jion Kata Group. This
series of
kata, known as
Jutte (also
spelled as
Jion, and
Giin (also spelled
provide many interesting techniques.
Jutte (
十手) translates as
10 hands, is believed
to have been named because practitioners who master this
kata, are be able to defend against five adversaries (with 10
hands). Others have suggested that the translation actually refers to the
Japanese weapon known as the
jutte as
some of the hand positions suggest a
kata is also practiced in the Korean styles and called ‘
Sip Soo’.
Some techniques
in the
kata can be used to take a
from an adversary.
Jion (
慈恩) translates as ‘mercy’ but also
refers to
Jion-Ji, a Buddhist temple.
Jiin (
慈陰) translates as ‘inverted mercy’.
Kusanku Kata. Kūshankū (公相君), Kūsankū, Kōsōkun or Kankū-dai
(観空大) is named after a Chinese diplomat
from the Fukien Province of China who taught this kata to Okinawan martial artists. Gichin Funakoshi renamed it Kanku-dai (Japanese). The kata are also practiced in Tang Soo Do as Kong Sang Koon. The two kata have a similar embusen (pattern of movement) and both are very long and complex. In Japanese, they translate as “Looking at the
Sky" because
of the unique opening move where the martial artist looks to the sky.
Looking to the Sky in Kusanku Dai |
This kata is typically
taught to advanced yudansha (black belts)
because of length and complexity. They have at least 65 steps and more than a
hundred hand techniques.
I personally know of one ‘egg-head’ professor, after being promoted to shodan in Shotokan, offered to teach a class in ‘beginning karate’ at a University of Wyoming where he was also teaching engineering. For some unknown
reason, he decided to teach his karate students, Kusanku Dai, one of the more complex kata. You can imagine the frustrations of these
students who had never performed a karate punch or kick prior to his class.
By the third class, the room was filled with one person – the
Group 7 This group of
kata includes Niseishi (二十四歩) (introduced as Nijushiho to Japan by Gichin Funakoshi),
Unsu (雲手) and Chinte (珍手). Niseishi kata (Okinawan
dialect) is practiced by Tang Soo Do
and named E Sip Sa Bo. The kata has 24 steps which is where it receives
its name, but its origin is unknown.
Chinte translates as ‘rare hand’, ‘unusual hand’ or ‘Chinese
hand’. It has unusual close quarter strikes along with taitoshi nage waza (body leg drop throw). The strict Japanese
schools, like Shotokan, include a
strange set of backward hops at the end of the kata that do not occur in other styles.
- Niseishi (24 steps).
- Unsu
(Cloud hands)
- Chinte
(Chinese hand form)
Group 8
Kata. Wanshu, also known
as Anshu
and Ansu
(Empi in Japanese) was taught to Okinawan martial
artists by a Chinese delegate named Wang Ji in 1683 A.D. Wang Ji is said to
have been a martial artist of Fujian White Crane Kung Fu. The name of the kata may reflect this Chinese delegate’s
name, and may translate as ‘dragon boy
dumping form’ or as ‘strong arm form’.
There are two principal versions of this kata,
one from Matsumora Shorin-Ryu and the
other from Itosu. When Gichin
Funakoshi introduced this kata to
Japan, he renamed it Empi (also Enpi) kata. Empi
translates as ‘flying swallow’.
Members of Tang Soo Do call this Wangshu or Yun Bi.
Kata training at the University of Wyoming |
Sochin kata (壯鎭) translates as ‘tranquil force’ in Japanese. This is a
powerful kata likely from the Naha-Te school in Okinawa.
Seisan translates as
‘13 steps’ or ‘13 killing positions’ in Okinawan. In Japanese, this kata is known as Hangetsu and translates as 'Half-Moon Form' where it derives its
name from the common use of hachi-dachi stance
throughout the kata. This kata provides a feeling of a moving arch
or half-moon due to common pigeon toe stances designed to protect the groin
area from kicks. The form is originally from the Shorei-Ryu school. It is called Seishan
in Korean.
- Wanshu
(Empi) kata. "Flying
- Sochin
kata. Based on the powerful 'Rooted stance".
- Seisan
(Hangetsu). 'Half-Moon Form'.
Group 9 Kata. Okan or Wankan kata (王冠)
are separated into two forms – Wankan
Dai and Wankan Sho. These are believed to be
from the Tomari-te school of Okinawa karate. The Seiyo version of Wankan
Dai is different from kata
practiced by other styles and incorporates a few of Soke's favorite techniques.
Wankan translates as ‘Kings Crown’ and is also referred to as
Okan kata.
Gojushiho (Useishi) Kata training at Arizona Hombu in Mesa. |
Useishi or Gojushiho (五十四歩) kata translates as ‘54 steps’
(photo to right – Useishi kata). In some schools, there
are two nearly identical kata: Gojushiho
Dai and Gojushiho Sho. Because
these two are so similar, Soke Hausel
combined them into one kata. Gojushiho is also known as Useishi in the Okinawan dialect.
Anaku (安南空) kata
was developed by Chotoku Kyan and translates
as ‘Light from the South’ or ‘Peace from the South’. It is a
relatively simple, but powerful kata from the Matsubayashi Shorin-Ryu
- Wankan Dai.
- Okan (Wankan
- Gojushiho (Useishi)
- Anaku
Hakutsuru Kata. Kata of the White Crane include Rohai. Rohai translates as ‘vision
of the white crane’ or ‘vision of the
heron’. The original Rohai kata is thought to have been
created by Kosaku Matsumora and later
broken down into three kata by Itosu.
Gichin Funakoshi took these three kata
and again combined them into one that he named Meikyo (明鏡) (translates as ‘polishing a mirror’). In
the Seiyo Shorin-Ryu style, members not only learn Meikyo, but also a separate kata
we retain the name of Rohai.
White crane wings from Hakutsuru Dai Kata Photo of Soke Hausel of the Mesa, Arizona Hombu teaching White Crane Shorin-Ryu Karate Clinic at the University of Wyoming in 2010. |
kata of white crane include Chinto (renamed Gankaku
by Funakoshi) (
Chinto, according to legend, was the name of a shipwrecked Chinese
sailor (also known as
who became known as a great fighter on
Okinawa and taught techniques to some Okinawan martial artists.
Chinto translates as
‘fight to the east’ or
‘fighter to the east’ in reference to
China or more likely to this particular sailor. When
Funakoshi introduced this
to Japan, he renamed it
Gankaku "Crane on the
Rock". Some
say this was done to appease the Japanese by removing any reference to China
due to anti-Chinese sentiment at the beginning of the 20th century.
It is also known as a one of the
Hakutsuru Dai and
kata are considered as advanced kata
and have many
techniques that mimic
of a cranes. For example, there are crane wing blocks (see above photo),
and many
pressure point
strikes. It is thought these forms were originally developed by a Chinese
female kung fu practitioner who created the
while observing movements of white crane. The white crane kata have several
deceptively powerful strikes and blocks.
There are many other empty hand karate kata taught by other martial arts
styles (such as Goju-Ryu and Shito-Ryu) that include Annan, Annanko, Happiken, Jyuroku,
Kururunfa, Matsukaze, Nipaipo, Ryuko, Saifa, Sanchin, Seiryu, Seiunchin, Shisochin,
Suparinpei, Tensho, etc.